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The misdeeds of “innocent” evolution

Updated: 2024-11-20

Created: 2024-11-20

Type: News

The misdeeds of “innocent” evolution
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1. Introduction

How can we not describe what is currently happening on the treatment of women in the world? It is a real catastrophe in Afghanistan, for example, where the Taliban regime has regained control of the country by force of arms since the departure of the American Army: women are culturally isolated with prohibitions on walking in the streets without being accompanied, the closure of beauty salons, the obligation to wear the full veil (with a net in front of the eyes), Prohibition of speaking even inside their own home, abandonment of listening to them speak, prohibition of education for girls above 12 years of age, prohibition of work, prohibition of talking to each other, etc. This Taliban regime will attract more international military interventions, I suppose that the Americans will not let this happen with so much effort already deployed for two decades.

First of all, one must have a hatred towards the Koran and the work of the “Sharia” which is nothing more than the sayings of a false prophet, Muhammad and those who followed him, who brought misfortune more than happiness with invented rules and false improvements on the lot of individuals who join the cult of this book.

But, in addition, we must talk about evolution in order to put an end to the idol worship at the tomb of black stone, because it is not Muhammad who leads, it is Ala, the Lion of Judah, the beloved Mars, and there is no friendship between Ala and Mohamed, there is none. My Angel Jesus had a connection with his Father Mars who had set up rules for him that were respected and that no bad translation has passed the time in the Holy Bible.

Speaking of evolution, we must ask ourselves where is the evolution of women in the Koran? Women’s freedom in Afghanistan has been punished, forcing them to marry men they did not choose. The Taliban boast of the application of virtue … but the virtue of Martial Law teaches rather that the law, including that of women, must evolve.

On the same level as the Taliban, there is also hatred towards the opposite sex that eats away at society because of gay sexual orientation. Obviously, the evolution of love for the opposite sex has not changed among gays. We will see this with the increase in roles (Section 2 of this short story) which gives a clear vision of the contribution of men and women in society, in the company, in the couple, etc.

The qualifier of “innocence” concerning evolution is equivalent to saying that the Taliban, the Iranians, and the other Islamists believe themselves innocent and accuse the United States of working too much on them culturally, but believing themselves to be innocent and really so, this saying will therefore allow Mars to say that they are guilty of not having created any evolution of women’s rights, but of having delayed the application of the law.

There is no other way to describe the lack of progress in women’s rights among these groups, both in the liberty and dignity branches. Although the media often talks about compromised freedoms, so does the dignity that is still compromised in America. We can see that in America the infidelity of the man plays a leading role in the mores that lack dignity towards a woman. To say that infidelity also occurs in women, I agree, but most often the infidelity of men is caused by lies about their already committed identity. These behaviors have been self-degraded by the lack of commitment to the union by the absence of marriage. Today, people have distanced themselves from God and evil has made its way. In the second part of this news (Section 2), it is a question of addressing this evil and defining the real causes of infidelity in both sexes.

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2. Increasing roles

Although lightly touched upon in the introduction, the dilemma of gays and lesbians resurfaces in this second part.

First, let’s look at the increase in the roles that women play in a couple. Talking about the role here is not to discuss the tasks shared in a couple, it is about the role at the scientific level, and more particularly to discuss the effect of increasing the role and not the role alone.

In a couple, the woman contributes to the role of commitment and teaching fidelity in the man, and vice versa. The role of commitment if we are talking about commitment as a role and not just an agreement. Many believe that fidelity is simply an agreement … but Martial Law sheds lighter on this subject. Fidelity is not an agreement. Because many agree by means of a pact that the multitude of sexual partners is allowed in the couple as swingers do. But here, according to Martial Law, fidelity is an obligatory role to keep the couple alive.

In terms of scientific understanding of the role, a role is a part of a couple’s life that allows them to set in motion actions that go so far as to play this role and assume it. This is what is missing in the 21st century couple. There are several roles, see a wide stall that could put back long-lasting couples. Among other things, the role of the father and mother is another to play in a couple, hence the importance of having children. Because roles are what keep a couple together. But of course, many feel compelled to play the role of a father when the woman becomes pregnant. But here, it’s a grandiose opportunity rather than a misfortune. Indeed, as for the number and quality of the links discussed in the document “The number of links leads to intelligence” (doc# NEW-MAT-0001-v1-EN), the number of roles and their quality play a very powerful support in a couple.

First of all, if we were to talk about the roles of the opposite sex, the woman, she must also have roles in charm, which qualifies the wearing of the full veil as a barrier to the role to be played. She must have the role of gentleness to bring peace to the character of her husband’s heavy work, and vice versa. But here for man, it is rather the role of comforter than gentleness. Because originally, the man is harder on himself, and he needs gentleness, which a couple of gay men cannot assume by this role. Because women are gentle by nature. And man is a comforter by nature. This is also lacking in a lesbian couple. The roles may be different in the opposite sex. Thus, those roles that keep a couple alive must be unwavering and willing to the need of the opposite sex.

It is not only in a heterosexual couple that the roles must be played. The relationship between boss and employee also has roles. The role of the boss is to be a regulator and corrector. While the employee’s role can be a (task) executor and a collaborator. Roles are important at the organizational level. Although the organization has been well defined for millennia, in these times, the lack of roles is being replaced by more and more pacts that result in an accentuated turnover of labor. Unfortunately, collaboration is not an agreement, it is a role. When the roles of the boss are missing, the role of collaboration also disappears and we find disengagement, reluctance, and doubt.

Even in the military organization, the order is only one role, although it is maintained not by choice, it must be said that there are several other roles in the military organization that must be played by the stakeholders to maintain the life of a military organization, such as the roles that are found in a male and female couple, is also at the forefront of military organization. It is unacceptable in numbers that more than 15,000 soldiers are deserted in Ukraine. I find this unacceptable because the case of Ukraine has demonstrated a loosening of roles or an absence of them due to a lack of scientific work to the equivalent of Martial Law like this news. Although I am on the side of letting Russia become a power again in military and industrial research for future causes for the defense of Earth against alien extraterrestrials, I presume that Martial Law, addressing the coming of the TANF (Treaty of Alliance of New France: New France being the Earth with the united nations among themselves by economic roles to begin with, and we will see what happens next), the problem between the nations of the Earth will be corrected.

The lesbian couple cannot assume the role of insurers either … for insurance is a man’s role, while women play the role of emitting fear in man to balance. So, there are opposite roles in the two sexes. The fear played here in the role of women is to allow the man not to be overconfident or proud or courageous in the face of danger. Fear is biblical in the sense that one must fear God. We must fear authority, hence the need to have women in the army as well for the maintenance of order because of the influence it brings on men.

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3. Conclusion

The role of a conclusion is to seal the doors so that the hearing-impaired mind does not branch off. To conclude, we have seen that women and men are different and that their roles are essential to maintain life in lasting bonds. The study of roles is only at its beginning, and as gays, lesbians, Taliban, Iranians, and other Islamists come to try to undo role studies and try to pollute this political science. But vigilance is required, because Mars will blow like one blows on playing cards to destroy their house of cards… And Martial Law will take effect when it is known and will come to give sin a beating. Martial Law is not circumventable, even if you try to undo it, it becomes even more resistant in the minds of the people who love it, because they see danger coming. Mars is not the Antichrist, He is the Father in Heaven who came on a mission to Earth to save the world, putting aside his memory and accepting that he had experienced the problems so that universal pressures would push him to develop solutions that would hold the road.

Here is what my Angel John the Batiste says about this news:

“You have to endure loving Mars very much, who is beautiful by giving beatings to the evildoers who poison everyone’s lives. King Mars helps with these keys to people’s peers’ lives.”

And then here is what my Angel Jesus adds to this:

“The fats are driven down by the miracle of the infused science of Mars that goes beyond morals. The pain engendered by the new offense of throwing the ball at each other is the doubt of having learned something good in this relationship.”

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