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The Sinner, the Fool and the Last Judgment

Updated: 2024-09-08

Created: 2024-09-08

Type: News

The Sinner, the Fool and the Last Judgment
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1. Introduction

Perception is, in other words, that which makes one judge a fool and another less foolish, as one can judge a more savage person than a more civilized person. But in reality, there is a fine line between the savage and the person more civilized by a few behaviors among a ton of behaviors. The madman is the same thing at a rope near the psychiatrist… In reality, as people thought they were good because he kept the law in Jesus’ time, the doctors of the law were actually other sinners, but they did not see themselves, they were blind. The same goes for psychiatrists who think they are normal … in reality it’s true that they are normal, but the normal is crazy today … because true reason is located above normality.

To aim for normality is to aim for the environment. People generally find it safer to target the environment, but they are wrong.

Targeting the environment is like aiming for neutrality … and neutrality is a weak intelligence. Madness is also a weak intelligence perceived as such. For true intelligence is at the level above normality. The elites in society are not necessarily those who are in great financial means. Elites are the people who have learned to aim above normality and have achieved it. These elites are less crazy than the others. It is not a question of financial means, but of means of intelligence.

Often the Lion of Judah was perceived as crazy1, when in reality these psychiatrists served their own individual interest, aiming for safe treatment rather than risky treatment. The elites take risks in business, and if they can take those risks, they get big. While the Quebec communist health care system, which is governed by a communist party under the name of a medical order, wants nothing more than to force psychiatrists to take the minimum risk or they are punished (it was a psychiatrist who told me this). And as for the cause of aiming for neutrality, it’s madness. The madman is an advanced normal in the sense that this neutrality is advanced, so if we listened to the psychiatrists, the madman would have to return to a less excessive level of neutrality… So a little crazy is good, according to them, because for them it’s normality. In reality, the fool is a victim of normals, just as the sinner was persecuted by the doctors of the law in the time of Jesus.

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1 A psychiatrist once said to Mars: “There are people who are marginal, but you are a notch above marginal.” Obviously, I am flattered by this comment. The psychiatrist doesn’t like the marginalized, but I love the marginalized, they’re the most ecologists, those who eat vegetarian, so a notch above is even better, I feel like the King of the marginalized!

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2. The judgment

The Lion of Judah, the beloved Mars, judged that in his opinion people must give themselves the means to fight madness. Aimed right in the center of a duality is madness above all else. Of course, people who don’t go to church don’t care about sin, and people who don’t give themselves the means like the elites give themselves, don’t care about madness, because for them being normal is daily life that takes over instead of intelligence.

The proof that people are crazy is that they are saturated. The madman of today’s society is also saturated. Psychiatrists had not taken into account Mars’ means to judge his behavior as a savior of humanity. You have to have been in the water to learn to swim, you must to have bathed with the crazy and those who boast about their normality to spot their lack of means. As Jesus had mentioned in the document “Reversing the Trend” (doc# NEW-MAG-0002-v1-EN, Appendix 1 – Request for a Change of Shark), Jesus was clear: “Nothing but sedatives to give, psychiatry is poor in research results after all these years accumulated. It’s brazen to get rid of the crazy by acting like this.”

It’s not surprising to see psychiatrists saying to Mars, “You have to be rich to be rich”… Pfff ! Mars doesn’t care about these mentally ill people who take themselves above others when they are not elites. The problem wasn’t when they were young students, the problem is that society is crazy. Even those who have means also become saturated with time, immersed in a society that encourages us to aim for the “right” middle… According to the company, targeting this middle seems fair. The school has brainwashed psychiatrists and psychiatrists do the same thing with the less fortunate than them.

Judgment came upon the world because society twisted the minds of others. Bill Gates had a fine project as a political missionary, but the scales and the dismissed judgments of people in society made him back down. He aimed high but he lacked the means of intelligence to saturate him to find solutions for his beautiful project. Solutions don’t just happen. The madmen told Bill Gates, come back to us, don’t leave us alone in this poverty of the world. Crazy people are afraid of the elites, psychiatrists are afraid of Mars, Mars doesn’t take away any means, he gives them some means and they should trust him.

Because the blind person is also the one who claims to be normal. We must aim not to be saturated, we must aim to become an elite. It is true that madmen think they are the masters of the world, and that they are not. But in reality, Mars understands that the dream never ceases to exist, we also meet our dreams every night. It takes means to become a master of the world, and not just a financial one. Some people don’t know what to do with their money anymore because they are saturated. The judgment comes in the end. The last judgment is the one you receive on yourself before yourself.

Mars has also been judged often, but Mars took a lot on its shoulders and has gigantic responsibilities. It’s common to see Mars lagging behind certain problems in society. Mars must decide what it will improve on a day-to-day basis… Mars does not improve everything at the same time, and Mars will even delay the deposit of inventions and knowledge that does not work well with the current level of intelligence. Mars will train elites, making sure to share the spoils with the Great ones as in Isaiah 53 of the Holy Bible. March will take longer to socialize the individualistic United States to create a balance between the socialist and the individualistic. It’s true that being in your bubble is good, but we must not forget that we can be dragged towards sin and madness if we don’t fight like soldiers to want to regress these difficulties (sin and madness) that are eating away at the masses right now. Evolution must not only be individualistic, we must train the masses to follow us, otherwise they will want to bring us back to them, to their poverty, to their saturation. But there is still an important part of the individual effort that puts the individualist in the foreground before the socialist. A society should rely on this duality in its own right.

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3. Errors of perception

Mars was reading a news story from a web journal that said researchers had scanned the brain activity of a group of 22-year-olds of average age and another group of older people. And they said that in their opinion the scan said that the old people used their brains less than the young and therefore, they judged that the old were more and more in trouble… Because, according to them, the more we used the brain, the better. But here there is a big blunder. First, if the elderly use their brains less, it is because they have learned over time to use their resources more efficiently. Déjà vu on the images used required a smaller share of resources than young people … while young people are more fascinated by these new grandiose images that arouse their attention more.

It is not new that we believe the old ford is a ford. It is wrong to think that Joe Biden was in the process of collapsing. Biden is less physically fit than a young person, but he is still more efficient than average for having had to manage the Great American Empire at this age. Physical energy levels and illness often saturate older people, but do not make them more strained than young people. When young people take care of the elderly, it helps these young people to become more efficient in their tasks. It is therefore true that experience at work is therefore an asset to become more efficient. What the researchers of this study on brain activity overlooked. We will have to be very careful with our perceptions so as not to become more saturated. Because this study may have misled people and distanced them from people who are more effective than them.

Another error in judgment is proportion. For example, a man who has difficulty seducing a woman says to himself, I’m luckier with a man… But he makes a misperception. Gays represented a maximum of 10% before Mars corrected a large part of the problem, but we must ask ourselves about the proportion: “Are we more likely to be in a relationship by looking in 10% or by looking in 90%?”… Well, it’s easy to answer.

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