It is known in the field of medicine that the brain is a complex organ and that the heart is also very complex. Some people have problems with either one or the other or both. This is because this duality is defined as that those who have little intelligence or who are less gifted than others intellectually speaking still have a big heart. But here we must be careful, a heart without great intelligence can become an evil heart, and a great intelligence can become evil if it has little heart. You have to have both equally strong to be greatly protected. Of course, Bible readings are beneficial for having a big heart, but correct interpretation requires great intelligence. This is why the reading supplemented with the meetings in Christian churches are necessary because the pastor’s sermons are usually done by someone who has a great heart and a great intelligence.
The heart according to the Larousse dictionary is defined as such: “(1) Central part of something: The heart of the city. (2) The seat of feelings; sensitivity, affection: What you tell me goes straight to my heart.”
Intelligence according to the Le Robert dictionary: “The faculty of knowing, of understanding; quality of mind that understands and adapts easily.”
Contrary to what the rest of the dictionary says in Le Robert, intelligence is not the opposite of intuition. Intuition is one of the guides of intelligence and not opposites. It is the heart that is opposed to intelligence. The human body has 2 centers at the level of the organs and only one center by the spirit.
The brain is like a game pad for the mind. A person’s soul controls the brain. This control is demonstrated by the fact that sometimes the heart has the upper hand over the intelligence when making a decision. Sometimes we even limit the scope of a consequence inflicted by the fact that the heart limits the action of the brain. And also, when we feel that we have contributed enough to something, the heart tells us to stop. This is why we are not machines that perpetuate itself endlessly at work.
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As you know, intelligence is limited by the heart and the heart is limited by intelligence … with the mind or the soul, but, on the other hand, a robot cannot limit itself. His artificial intelligence will cause excess. True intelligence also sees itself listening to its heart. Robots don’t have hearts. And there is not only the limitation that this duality works. It is said in the Holy Bible that the man who understands with his heart has a better chance of success in prosperity, and also if we speak of a nation by uniting all the efforts of each and every one of us, it is said as a nation, we progress. But even if you put a billion robots together… They will not progress, they will not evolve. The cinema sells the idea that robots like in Terminator can evolve their machine, but this is only special effects and fake history. Even if you put a billion computers together with Chat-GPT … wisdom will not increase. The hard work of a human philosopher who loves God can increase wisdom though. Here, given the number, a single human being is enough to make something evolve while 1 billion robots do not do the same.
Moreover, this philosopher who makes wisdom evolve is not alone, first of all, he is with God, but in addition he is in an even environment where various dualities exist as a being. And there, well surrounded, with enriching experiences, a being can do something evolve. Atheist philosophers who do not love God, do nothing other than produce what the robot is capable of doing, that is to say overuse their intelligence … but they have no heart or have a bad one.
Here, there are 4 possibilities like DNA in this heart/intelligence duality, either the heart is good and big and the person is very intelligent, or the heart is bad and the person is intelligent, or the heart is good and big and the person is naïve, or the heart is bad and the person is naïve. These 4 possibilities reflect the key to DNA by the simple fact that a duality has been used.
Now, if you take the robot, even by Chat GPT (without prejudice because the world already knows that there are limitations of technology), this technology would not be able to answer questions on its own, whereas if you were to ask a question to an intelligent being, it is able to answer on its own without referring to anything. So, humans don’t need to reread texts to understand. So, a robot doesn’t understand. To understand, you have to understand with your heart as the Holy Bible says. If you asked a robot to tell you a lie, it wouldn’t be able to do so (apart from pre-programming nonsense like telling you that tigers have wings when mixing), and the same for its opposite the Truth. This is why the danger of having robots in a company is the risk of becoming ignorant of the Truth and perishing or sinking into sin.
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Returning to the duality understood as heart and intelligence, we said earlier that one limits the other to prevent it from making a blunder. This is the principle of counterweights in both directions as explained by the advancement of Dianetics with Martial Law. So, if the person is too good, he will have him abused out of naivety, while if the person is very intelligent, and having little heart, he will hesitate to share by being very selfish. So, it goes without saying to understand here that the heart also has engrams managed not by commands, but by emotions and impulses.
Today’s Dianetics was 2 steps away from curing Alzheimer’s disease, but the notion of the heart was missing, although it was already briefly discussed in Scientology… We must surpass the prowess of the past. L. Ron Hubbard has come a long way in Dianetics, now, with FIGURE 1, let’s see an advanced version of Dianetics that is complementary to the method (technology) already applied.
In connection with FIGURE 1, each time we experience a significant event, we record in our engrams according to several perceived senses and several characteristics affecting the recall of these engrams, such as a thud during a significant event for example. But if at engram #1 the person is experiencing distress and his choice with intelligence is to get rid of this distress by ending his life, the counterbalance is that the person reasons with his feelings telling him that life is precious and that he must take care of the bodily temple within him as stated in the Holy Bible, and that he or she needs to ask for help instead, then the person calls on his or her feelings to counterweight it and he or she grows. Thus, one must not eliminate with Hubbard’s method for this engram in question because otherwise if the distress returns in a new engram in the future, it will have “lost” all the sentimental effort to overcome a distress that is the counterweight for future events. Thus, the intellectual idea of suicide is neutralized by feelings.
But let’s see how L. Ron Hubbard’s method might prove more useful. Let’s assume that engram #3 is François Legault’s intellectual idea to impose secularism in Quebec. He does not reason with his heart, probably that other previous engrams of the same kind is an intellectual pollution out of pure malice towards believers whose engrams incite Legault to contribute to his satanic work, in this case there is no counterbalance, because no heart duality, because wickedness are parallels: evil has been scientifically defined as parallels. So, here Hubbard’s method of eliminating these engrams of mental aberrations in François Legault’s head would work if Legault took courses in Scientology.
The other case, a little tougher, is about sentimental parallels such as false needs for example. So if at engram #4, Legault is so frustrated by his feelings about this Martial Law that he wants to favor the elimination of Mars to wipe it off the map. So, in this case, there is no counterweight of intelligent logic that has an effect on this sentimental parallel of false need, and so Hubbard’s method still works here for the elimination of this engram.
This revolutionary method that includes both L. Ron Hubbard’s technology with the Martial Law technology that complements allows Alzheimer’s to be avoided, because Alzheimer’s is a self-destruction of engrams, generalized disgust, neglected useful engrams, etc. Alzheimer’s is cured when the person goes back and counterbalances the command that wants to erase everything from memory. So, it’s not about eliminating the control because it can come back and do other damage, but by doing the counterweight the control is neutralized. Generally, Alzheimer’s is caused because, as explained in the document “Next Universal Extinction - The Big Crash” (doc# NEW-PHY-0001-v1-FR), by the fact that universal pressures make the addition of engrams heavy because fools like Legault create intellectual pollution that takes up a lot of space in their lives.
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Obviously, the newsletters of 2020 with the slap of the Angel Catherine Lae were ignored by Legault pretending nothing. Now here’s the baseball batter, from Lae:
“I, Lae, attest that it is poorly argued on the part of Legault to want to take away the right to pray in public by saying that it is a gift given to the population when it crushes religious communities.”
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