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Replacement of timelines

Updated: 2016-03-04

Created: 2016-03-04

Type: News

Replacement of timelines
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1. Introduction

Timelines, as told in an upcoming book, harm, because they are used for a system to be based on performance, and also indicates that a company is cheap (wants to pay to produce less quality). And for many other reasons, we must not use timelines.

Finally, this document will show you the use of a parallel system to the time that will allow you to schedule the time allocated correctly on your projects, without destructing with the quality of the project, knowing that this is not the time cut that allows manage a project without the employees hang out too.

In addition, this document provides information on the correct way to manage time for you to be punctual. There are 2 ways to see the time: the clock method and progressive time.

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2. From the clock, to progressive time

The method of the clock is limited both in quality and quantity. It is comparable to a project that is built like an Egyptian pyramid, so each one connects to the end over the other until we reach the last stage of development (see Figure 1 below). This method is old and little revolutionary … it does not make progress in the completion of a project. It is fixed as development, exactly fixed like the hands of a clock, because it takes into account a traditional development.

Figure 1 – The method of the clock

Figure 1 – The method of the clock

This old method, similar to the actions set in the business plans, should be replaced by the line graph in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – The progressive time method

Figure 2 – The progressive time method

With this new graphic, we can realize the management of a project if the proportion time too much varied for a defined task without people working on the project are slaves having to stick to dates: which has no meaning with timelines. In this new principle, the “proportion” is more righteous.

In addition, we simultaneously find the project tasks, connected developments, etc.

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3. That is why freedom is sacred

Freedom is not just a feeling, because we all have it, unless you were a prisoner. However, let’s take another way the thesis of the prisoner. With this view, we must see that some are prisoners of time, because they want the holidays arrive.

But freedom is not the holidays, the holidays are a rest. Freedom, is to see that you are authors of your own work. Thus, timelines are only asking the sadistic boss job done in record time. While with freedom, our contribution is not our time, it is our heart. So, if the work is that you ask of time and knowledge, “time” you offer is already too requested. Time does not seem to matter; it is the love that you give your work that counts! It takes the work is organized in Figure 2, not 1, so that work is appreciated, knowing that there are breaks in a work that you resource and you have taken the time to love what you do. Figure 2 ensures that the team is not focused all on the same person.

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